
Boost your business community with our easy-to-use features

All you need to build an engaging community. Orbit has all the features you need to engage your communities.

Organisation Manager

The multiple organisation management features for networking platforms provide an efficient way to manage and administer accounts for different organisations. This feature allows customers to control which account they are logged into and which organisation the account is associated with.

  • Add organization
  • Run different events
  • Share posts, photos and videos
Organisation manager
Events manager
Events Manager

We have developed a full suite of online events for members' registration to engagement. In addition, you can manage complex events for your community with different types of tickets and external participants.

  • Create events
  • Open events for participants
  • Assign organisation
Forums Manager

With this feature, you can create and manage different forums, assign moderators, and set up permissions. This makes it easy to keep your forum organised and running smoothly. Moreover, the built-in search feature makes it easy to find the information you need.

  • Search information
  • Discussion on topics
  • Share members thought
Forums manager.
New and Blogs
News & Blogs Manager

The news and blogs management feature allow you to easily manage your news and blog articles. It has many great features, such as categorising articles, adding images and videos, and tagging articles. This makes it easy to find the articles you're looking for and helps your readers find the information they need quickly and easily.

  • Write and post blogs and news
  • Search and read the latest news
  • Categorise the blogs
Jobs Manager

The jobs management feature for the networking platform is an excellent way to connect with people looking for job opportunities. It allows users to post and search for job openings and connect with potential employers. The feature is easy to use and a great way to network with other professionals.

  • Add new jobs
  • Apply for the openings
  • Connect with qualified people
Job manager
Membership manager
Membership Manager

Manage your member database easily with powerful filters and targeting tools. It is a very easy process to add and manage your members. You can track when they joined, their membership type, and when their membership expires.

  • Add, edit and update members
  • Allow permission and access
  • Offer membership packages
Payments Manager

Optimise engagement and simplify workflows with easy online payments for paid events and memberships. Orbit offers a range of payment providers you can connect to receive online payments upon membership fees.

  • Visa
  • PayPal
  • American Express
  • Mastercard
Payment manager
Social login
Social Login

Social login is the easiest and most secure way to sign in to an account. We have Integrated built-ins with Google and Facebook login to save time signing up. Also, different register forms normal users and members.

  • Easy and fast login
  • Google login
  • Facebook login